Explorers - 14 to 18 Years
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Try more. See More. Do More. At Explorers you'll stand on your own
two feet, and make memories that will last a lifetime.
Explorers are a go-getting group of young people aged 14 to 18. Week in and week out, they gather in groups called Units to try new things, make new friends and conquer the small task of changing the world.
Explorers is open to all, and we can usually tweak things to make sure everyone can join in the fun. If you have any questions about accessibility, chat with us as soon as possible. More information on specific adjustments can be found here.
Across Central Notts there are 9 Explorer Scout Units, which are overseen by the District Explorer Scout Commissioner. Current Units are:
For more information about each ESU please click on the names above.
Can young people become Leaders?

Badges & Awards
Completing awards challenges you to do more, learn more and be more. See what’s on offer and start your journey to the top…

Moving to Network
Eventually it will be time to say goodbye to Explorers and embrace your next adventure!
Absolutely. If taking the lead sounds like something you’d like to try for yourself, sign up for the Explorer Scout Young Leader’s Scheme to get some hands-on experience volunteering with the younger Scout sections.
District TeamDistrict Commissioner Daniel Bolstridge daniel.bolstridge@ntlworld.com ADC Beavers Henry Walker scouts@hehw.co.uk Kim Dimkim1982@hotmail.co.uk District Cub Leader Vacant Fiona Smith fgreen2000@hotmail.com District Scout Leader Mike Smith msmith@markem-imaje.com DESC Vacant District Scout Active Support Manager John Oliver janiceculley@ntlworld.com Kirk Hellewell kirkhellewell2@gmail.com District Network Commissioner Savannah Storm savvanahlouisastorm@outlook.com Sam Farnsworth sfarnsworth@sky.com Campsite Warden Mark Woolley Info@sherbrookescoutcampsite.co.uk Training Adviser, Nights Away Adviser Steve Baker steve.baker1953@ntlworld.com Phil Herriott p.herriot@virginmedia.com
District Executive CommitteeDistrict Chair William Powell-Perry william.powellperry@btinternet.com District Minutes Secretary Janice Culley Oliver janiceculley@ntlworld.com District Treasurer Roger Foxall roger.foxall@tiscali.co.uk District Appointments Chairman David Comerie david.comerie01@btinternet.com District Exec Members Rebecca Darroch rebecca@darroch.co.uk John Oliver janiceculley@ntlworld.com Gordon Tunnicliffe pam.gord@outlook.com Scot Riggans scotriggans@hotmail.com Kirk Hellewell kirkhellewell2@gmail.com District Execuitive Member (18-25 Rep) Holly Barlow hollybarlow1@virginmedia.com Laura Wilson laura070299@gmail.com District Youth Commissioner Sam Farnsworth sfarnsworth@sky.com
ExplorersSpartan ESU - 2nd Arnold, Friday Richard Alton richandab@ntlworld.com Colliers ESU - 1st Calverton, Tuesday Scott Riggans scotriggans@hotmail.com Gemini ESU - 1st Gedling, Friday Howard De Jonge howeard.dejonge@ntlworld.com Peppers ESU - 3rd Woodthorpe, Thursday Robert Powley grumbybrainsurgeon@hotmail.com Matthew Etchells-Jones Stephen Martin stephen.martin67@ntlworld.com Invictus ESU - Southwell, Tuesday Lisa Farnsworth l.farnsworth@stormsaver.com Endeavour ESU - 1st Burton Joyce, Monday Stephen Robinson stephen.robinson01@hotmail.co.uk Mammoth ESU Chris Clifford chris@cjclifford.co.uk Young Leaders Rebecca Darroch rebecca@darroch.co.uk
Scout Active Support UnitDistrict Scout Active Support Manager John Oliver janiceculley@ntlworld.com Finance Coordinator Tony Thorpe thorpe.a@sky.com
BandsSteve Baker steve.baker1953@ntlworld.com
1st Arnold and WoodthorpeGroup Scout Leader James Dennis potterscrazed@hotmail.com Patricia Jefford patjefford@yahoo.co.uk Ann Dennis a.dennis80@hotmail.com David Chambers davidchambers.1@btinternet.com
2nd ArnoldGroup Scout Leader Yan Ahmet yanmaria.ahmet@ntlworld.com Suzanne Barlow jezandsusibarlow@btopenworld.com Fiona Hammond fionahammondlz@gmail.com Dianne Yeatman dianne.yeatman2@ntlworld.com Matt Smith thesmiths@live.co.uk Annabel Alton richandab@ntlworld.com Contact GSL
1st Burton JoyceGroup Scout Leader Andrew Kearsley andykearsley@btinternet.com Dawn Kearsley dhbraithwaite@hotmail.com
1st CalvertonGroup Scout Leader Graham Batty grahambatty07@aol.com Megan Goddard megangoddard@hotmail.co.uk Kayleigh Johnson kayleigh_johnson97@hotmail.co.uk Luke Shaw scouts@lshaw.co.uk Fran Ball fran.ball@hotmail.co.uk
1st FarnsfieldGroup Scout Leader Chris Blockley chrisblockley@netyour.info Peter Carter peter.auor@btinternet.com Laura Cracknell law3434@hotmail.com Richard Sneade sneade-r@nsk.com Diane Waller diane@arnoldbalfourcc.co.uk
1st GedlingGroup Scout Leader Jim Simpson james.simpson4@ntlworld.com David Fox david.fox.33@ntlworld.com Tracy Dodds tracy.dodds2@ntlworld.com Janice Kerry janice.kerry@sky.com Andrew Stranger andy.stanger@ntlworld.com
1st PorchesterGroup Scout Leader Ian Holliday iandavid.holliday@ntlworld.com Cameron Stillings camsafe@ntlworld.com David Marriott Ann Baldry ann.baldry@ntlworld.com Wez Hill wezhill@ntlworld.com
1st RedhillGroup Scout Leader John Carvin john.carvin@btinternet.com John Carvin john.carvin@btinternet.com Heather Hirst heatherhirst8@hotmail.co.uk John Evens j.evens@ntlworld.com
1st ColwickGroup Scout Leader Mark Woolley markw.scouts@gmail.com Chris Drake chrisdrake@ntlworld.com Vicki West vickiwest@hotmail.co.uk Emma Hickman 9hickman@gmail.com Paul Spinks paul-spinks@virginmedia.com
1st TrentsideGroup Scout Leader Aimee Stonard aimee.stonard@hotmail.co.uk Andrew MacDonald na246@btinternet.com Laura Meadows laura.meadows2@hotmail.co.uk Michael Eaton notalotuk2@hotmail.com Aimee Stonard aimee.stonard@hotmail.co.uk Jodie Merrington jodi.merrington@hotmail.co.uk
1st WoodboroughGroup Scout Leader Sarah De Barr sdebarr@tiscali.co.uk Tina Ibell ibells@ntlworld.com Cindy Bamford stevecindybamford@yahoo.co.uk Richard Janes richardjanes@btinternet.com Leslie Charlton charltons@live.co.uk
3rd NetherfieldGroup Scout Leader Vacant Vacant Sharon Leaper Vacant
3rd WoodthorpeGroup Scout Leader
4th CarltonGroup Scout Leader
5th CarltonGroup Scout Leader
SouthwellGroup Scout Leader
1st Daybrook and WoodthorpeGroup Scout Leader