Following the latest Government update, from midday on Thursday 2nd December, the Scout Association, under guidance from the National Youth Agency, have moved their COVID Readiness level from GREEN to YELLOW.
One major update with this change, is the reintroduction of the requirement of face coverings for all members over the age of 11 yrs of age for all indoor activities.
All groups should continue to follow their COVID risk assessments, and ensure that they are continuing with their cleaning procedures (both venue, and equipment) to ensure that all young people and Adults continue to remain safe while enjoying Scouting Activities.
There is no maximum limit on Group sizes, although all activities must be able to safely manage the risk of transmission of COVID, should this not be possible the activity should not take place. Please continue to ensure that venues are well ventilated to prevent further transmission.
Trips and residentials activities can still take place, all attendees on Residential Activities are strongly encouraged to take a lateral flow test before departure and every 48 hours whilst on the residential. More details can be found here:
Below you will be able to find details from the Scout Association website, and you can view this at:
Readiness level: YELLOW
This means: All activities can resume for members who live in England. Residential activities and international travel may take place.
Group sizes and limitations:
All non-residential activities (including young people, Scout Network and adult only groups): No limit on group size, although all activities must be able to safely manage the risk of transmission of COVID and, if this is not possible, they must not take place. Face coverings are required indoors (unless exempt) for those aged 11+. (From 20th January 2022, following the governments announcement face coverings will no longer be required for Scouting activities).
Residential activities: Nights away activities may take place, more details in the planning COVID-safe Nights Away in 2021 guidance.
International travel: Visits abroad may resume but must follow the FCDO travel advice and still manage the transmission of COVID and ensuring that the trips are safe and accessible. Consideration for the changing government requirements must be built into the trip plans prior to approval being given locally for the trips to go ahead.