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Volunteers Week - In Conversation with Kate

On our last day celebrating volunteers across Central Notts, we sat down with Kate who is an Explorer Scout Leader with Mammoth ESU.

Located at Hoveringham, Mammoth ESU sees young people taking to the water on a weekly basis!

Why did you start volunteering with The Scouts?

It was easier to help out than drop Dan, drive home, wait around and then drive back to pick him up again and that was January 2013

What is the best thing you’ve done as a young leader?

I have been privileged enough to watch, share and be part of young people discover something new, attempt a new challenge, push themselves out of their comfort zone, achieve the best that they can be and see that magical expression on their face when they accomplish their goal/dream.

Have you learned anything new, as a volunteer?

I have overcome my fear of heights and learned to climb and abseil.  I have discovered canoeing, paddleboarding and sailing.  Gained experience in hiking and navigation, having being introduced to beauty of the Peak and Lake District.  Improved my knowledge of camping and learned how to run an interesting, fun camp safely.

How do you think volunteering now will help at work/in your future career?

I work with Special Educational Needs and my Scouting experience can make a real difference during my day-to-day interactions when working with these students. Likewise, my work experience is invaluable when supporting scouts through their adventures.  I am extremely lucky to be able to spend my days making a difference to teenagers at work and my evenings and weekends supporting young people to enjoy Scouting. Sounds corny but it true.

Have you been inspired by our volunteers to help with Scouts? Or maybe you'd like some more information. Get in touch with us today by emailing



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